There was the thought that something was amiss. In all of these years of struggle, they hadn’t really stopped to think, really, about what the struggle was to accomplish. They felt the angst of their turmoils, but denied feeling connected to any of it. It was as if all of this was somehow imagined, a product of someone else’s psyche, and that they were just living in it.
It hurts, when you do think about it, to know that all of this wasn’t really for anything at all. It just was. There was no purpose, just moving through a day together to the next. Waffling about in a sea of emotions and peculiarities that didn’t attach itself to anything real. Surely, there was context, surely the context wanted to move something, change something, but it was their insight that had limited their ability to succeed. They acutely lacked any.
These issues felt wrong, felt in need of a champion, seemed worth standing up for, taking a blow for. But in the end, if things changed at all, they changed in small increments, and sometimes would be later washed all away. A lot seemed to be intuitive; who would not want what is best for someone else? Curiously, a lot of people. A lot of powerful people, they need to control others for any number of reasons. it didn’t have to have a purpose either, this oppression, often frightening out of proportionally angry oppression. If there was a psyche involved, it was deeply scarred and took pleasure, purpose, in laying others out. Religion, money, power from others, all have been used to to control others for no other reason than to control others.
Silver spoon not so ironically in mouth, they feared someone who needed something terribly, might get it for nothing. The angst came from our wondering why this might bother anyone for any reason at all? What broiled within them that made them need to stand on another’s neck, whoever that someone might be, but no more vociferously so than for a person unlike them, in color, race, or thought. What sin was there, what moral code broken, in lifting someone up for no other reason than one should and could? What frightened them so much that they ran from fear to fear giving them all a common cause, that someone, somewhere, might rise above with the help of others?
Impenetrable, this psyche. Reason through compassion cannot make way, for if it did, the entire house of cards would come crashing down, their entire reason d’ĂȘtre challenged and inward looking would bring catastrophe to the fragile psyche. Let it go. Let it go. Let go of the need to protect your ego, your position, and be human, be humane.
The struggle was purposeless, it seemed, mostly because those who care had no power over those who did not. Fear always wins using ways that have nothing to do with ending it, but rather oddly, using those that perpetuate it. Fear wins because there is nothing that it won’t do to perpetuate itself. Fear is unbridled power. Racketeering on a human race scale; create the fear, then create more to substantiate it, and use that fear to create barriers to allowing those fears to reach you all the while buttressing up those fears. That’s no way to get through life. And therein lies the struggle’s failure. There was no way in through those bigoted layers. Throwing ourselves against these walls accomplished nothing. You cannot reason with those fearful of imaginary things, or they would not exist at all in the first place.
Ayn Rand wrote of the distinguished elite hiding themselves away from the ungrateful masses, to punish them through absence and abstinence. Perhaps we should write of the masses leaving the ungrateful elite behind, and letting them fend for themselves? Let them go. Let them create their own bastions of fear, and brood within. We will instead go on living in a place where we all belong. All we all want is to feel safe and to belong where we are, to be moved and welcomed within our own skin, our own lives. Lets make that happen. Be reasonable. There is no place without pain, fear or annoyance, but learn to deal with life, let the snowflakes around you melt, be stoic and reasoning, and take no offense where there is no malice, being sure not to mistake ignorance for malice. No one owes us anything, and yet, we all owe each other everything. We owe each other humane compassion? Not even that; nothing is owed, all is freely given.
Be kind, be compassionate, give, lift others up for no other reason than they need a hand, give everyone a safe place where they belong. Demand nothing, just make it be. Stop crying over insult, stop with the trigger warning/safe space entitlement, and instead listen, learn keep and discard, and just be. This doesn’t mean we should allow travesty, but that instead we should avoid it. Stop struggling; we will never change them, never drill through the layers of fear and willful ignorance. Ask for what you need, give to those who need it, require nothing in return. Just be human in the best way that we can be.