I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.

~ Douglas Adams

And so, here I am.

Friday, August 2, 2024

The Wolf, the Shepherd, and the Sheep

To truly be a master of what you do, who you are, you have to ask the whys of everything you do and don't do, learn and understand the reasons, not accept things as granted. Then if the answer is unsatisfactory, discard the thing and start again with what you have learned. Make mistakes, adapt, improve. Having done something rote, regardless of how long, does not make it right. It is the way of the sheep, because reasoning does not come easily and can be unsettling. Have the courage to be unsettled, ask and reason, to be unfraid of not understanding, and accepting of change.

Sheep follow the given path without questions, for the authority gives them the way and they need not reason beyond acceptance. This is simple, uncomplicated, settling.
Wolves eat the sheep because understanding eats sychophancy.

The shepherd wants to be the wolf but is fearful of the power of the wolf. They are annoyed when the wolf eats their sheep. They teach the sheep that the wolves are evil and to be feared, not because the sheep would be eaten, but because the shepherd needs sheep to be a shepherd. Thinking and reasoning sheep become wolves and are no longer herd-able. The shepherd fears the wolf because it cannot be predicted nor controlled. The sheep fear the wolf because it raises the risk of uncertainty and unknowing, and challenges it's unquestionable faith. The sheep prefers the authoritarianism of the shepherd because it fears the uncertainty and unknowing of reason. The sheep lives in constant fear of reason and the herd reminds the sheep to be always afraid, lest the wolf eat them.

Wolves are loners, sometimes in small packs but always of discreet individuals. Sheep are all the same and see anyone not a sheep as a wolf. Sheep find solace in the consistency and commonness of the herd, while wolves find it constricting and suffocating. The herd remains the same and remains ignorant of being a herd, the pack is ever evolving and progressing for the betterment of the pack and every wolf knows itself. The shepherd is always singular, for to allow another shepherd would make it a sheep.

Companies want to be the kind of company that hires wolves, but become upset when the wolves eat their sheep. They protect the sheep because without them they cannot be the shepherd. They need sheep to maintain the herd, and promote sheep as they can be herded. They shoot the wolves.

Be a sheep or a wolf, but if you are a sheep, expect to get eaten by a wolf if you wander too far from the shepherd and challenge the wolf. Do not then lament your fate. If the wolf bites you, you may run back to the shepherd, and the shepherd will punish the wolf, but one day, the wolf will get you. It is the way.

Question everything. Reason to an insightful understanding, if you cannot understand continue to question. Ponder uncertainty and be not afraid of it. Be the master and not the slave. Be the wolf and not the sheep. It is the way.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Be ungovernable

A system whose people only follow the rules uncritically cannot adapt, will not evolve, and will die from within.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Be silent?

Those who teach you to be silent 
never understood why you have a voice.
Or maybe they do.